After never leaving a man who rejected me and my love more times and on more occasions than I have time to even consider, I finally decide not to participate in his desire to talk out of both sides of his mouth. I finally decide I will give him what he always says he wants -- to be alone. Because, honestly, someone can only tell you and show you that there's no place for you in their life until you're just a fool for not believing it. And I'm tired of allowing my heart to be broken. In response to my silence, which comes by the way after he trampled all over my feelings again, he sends me an email message -- saying that he doesn't understand how I could completely shut him out of my life, but that he could accept it. And to take care of myself. I'm sorry, apparently I'd forgotten the old adage -- it's your world and I'm just living in it.

After a myriad of potential responses written in my head ranging from: Sweet Jesus, you moronic fucking asshole, are you even being serious with yourself? Grow the eff up! and How many times am I meant to effing wait around for you--you self-involved piece of shit? I wrote the following response. I think I've decided, actually not even to send it. [all names have been changed]:

This message from you doesn't invite a response. Neither does it invite any explanation. And in my logical rational mind, I know I probably shouldn't be sending this message at all. That it probably won't actually do any good.

I talk to you, now, as someone who sincerely cares for you and with no anger or frustration in my words or intentions. And I'm not interested in trying to make myself out to be a martyr.

Please think about when I've ever shut you out of my life, [dumbass]. When I've told you or our relationship, no. When I've shut or locked any door against you.

Acceptance doesn't come easy, and understanding is perhaps harder still. I hope that you don't just accept the fact, but that you will really spend time trying to understand how we've arrived at this moment in time.

This message from you doesn't invite a response. No, [dumbass], it just offers up another closed door.


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