the irresponsibleness and inclination of words in a hallway

two young men stood outside my office door this afternoon chatting raucously. i tried not to listen in. but their conversation kept getting in my way. what started out as immature bragging and explicit sexual remarks, steadily devolved into a one-upmanship of female degradation – violations – abusiveness. the boastful tones and overall sense of prowess they apparently reveled in left me seething. when i finally couldn’t take it any longer, i went without thought of repercussion into the hallway and said as calmly and nicely as possible that i found their conversation very offensive and inappropriate and asked them, if they were going to continue, to move elsewhere. the bigger one rolled his eyes, then looked at the other. the other looked at the floor, then back to me and said flatly, shrugging his shoulders, “it’s a free country.” they laughed. i shook my head and decided to turn and walk away. his voice followed, “why don’t you just shut your door you stupid bitch?” more laughter. i’m not sure what else i could have expected. went into my office and at least had enough decency and self-respect not to cry.


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