things you make me think about (aside from roasted chicken)

go read this fabulous post spinning around over in jess's milk crate. i've been thinking all morning about the concept of "genderspace" after reading this article at and so jess's comments about categorizations and gender (or perhaps in this case, sexual orientation) labels for things like literature really caught my attention. it made me think about how that library, or others that are surely following similar practices, would categorize a novel like winterson's written on the body, which presents a very complicated gender/sexual orientation scenario? And are libraries, book sellers, publishers, now categorizing texts according to the author's sexual persuasion -- the way that black authors, too, are kept in some kind of strange ephemeral separateness (ethnic studies, black, african-american, etc)--no matter what the topic--simply because of the color of the writer's skin? and i know that these are not new questions. but i do think they are things we should keep thinking about and to which we should pay attention.


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