that i was just going to open this window and type whatever came out. i want it to be mean or incredibly funny. something remarkable in that 'oh, i didn't even think of that as remarkable' kind of way. like eating a raspberry popsicle. or hearing something glass break onto the floor in another room when you know, certainly, the problem couldn't have been your fault. perhaps more so like the raspberries. that reminds me of a haiku i wrote when i was just starting college. and i used to carry around all kinds of haunted looks, endless cups of dark roasted coffee, and acting like i was bored by school and by my teachers and all of their stupid assignments. mostly i was. if i got another ace for doing fuck all, i was pretty sure that i was just going to drop out and become a drug addict. 6 of one -- half dozen of the other.

after the party
cracked champagne glasses on ice
cut my naked feet


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