even though i love this place--this space
i think i might be leaving the recimo behind
although i wouldn't mind being considered or even called a 'foxy brit'
just making dinner at 3 am
[of recent events and all other things that pile up like dirt in the corners of the room]
the dangers of going out dancing
note to self
current lyrics that won't stop jumping in and dancing around to interrupt the delirium
What She Said
just starting the day at nearly 6 pm
the stupid thing is
they call to say
technicolor epistolary
things that make me ridiculously happy
moods strike
usually i'm so full of stuff to say over these weekend type days
the quest for sweet peas, white wine, and independence
just learned a new word
the wishes at the end of the if evers
it was better on dvd
i want this
i'm still in the trap of trying to read this novel
putting that study to good use
green candle on the desk in spring
oh hear me my wise brothers of the c and m
my response to tc's staccato
things that make me happy
i remember laughing at that stuff, but now it doesn't seem very funny
5 hours later
one way tickets an other stuff that includes the word 'us' (cause i don't give a shit if you get back)
resisting nicknames
have another double (that's double trouble)
reasons to stop answering the phone: part 457 thousand
looking for the right word
because when he said 'really' i knew he meant it
bobbing for these apples like cheek bones
when did i stop
too much too soon so long forgotten
conversations that long for follow-ups which may turn into posts later
the springs of this fascination with violence
the confidence of the latest empty messages in one day total: 26
do you know what i really like about you? he asks.
strange links (notsomuch)
ranch dressing all over the garbage pail
what i wrote during a free writing session with my students (later class)
playing games with words (props to the textualized dvd)
theme songs o' the day (or maybe just the hook bit)
and if you feel the same
what happens to people who don’t realize they’re environmentalists
calling in early favors
song of the day
snip from early morning maybe not yet half-awake message
ode to the line of transgression on my living room table
excerpt from an october letter that should have been destroyed, but only yet hasn't
another old thing posted in december of 2000
in the way of a follow-up
crashing out
for some reason it seems like
pondering recent conversation-like-things
the burning question seems to be
early morning wake-up thoughts on not being able to get my hands on something that i need
on the way to bed
home early